Friday 15 April 2016

Oh No Pictures!

Oh No, They Didn't Just? Oh, they did just send me a picture of their penis, I was not expecting to see that.

I know I am not the only one that gets those "oh no you didn’t" pictures sent to them. I could have made a book with all the oh no pictures I have received over the years. I have single friends who have also received these pictures and well we all react to them in the same way. WHY? We don’t understand why men send these types of pictures to us. What are they hoping to achieve by sending them?

As we said in our very first blog “hi, ohh wow and there’s your sword/shaft. I don’t even know your name, but I know if you’re circumcised or not”. I know it isn’t just us females that get these oh no pictures either. My male friends have told me when they have been on the dating sites they often know the bra size or what the vagina looks like, and sometimes they know both. I am all for the upfront honesty approach, and as you all know I am also very open to sex and all its glory. I find receiving these sorts of pictures off putting and so does my male and female friends.

The instant we receive these kinds of pictures we already know what type of people they are. These people are usually self-indulgent and are really after the one thing. They have very high self-confidence as well. Having self-confidence and been self-indulgent are not bad things and knowing what you want as well isn’t either, but approaching another person on a site with a very personal picture that, they haven’t had a choice in seeing isn’t a well thought out plan. The very first impression of you is that you are self-indulgent. In my experience, this usually means they are selfish people, not just in their daily life but also in the bedroom. Who wants a selfish person in bed? I have had my experience in this and trust me I will never be with someone that appears to be selfish outside of the bedroom.

I have no doubts that the oh no pictures approach works for many of you, this is great when you have approached the same kind of person, with the same kind of thinking. What about those who don’t wish to see the package under the clothes till they have met you and decided that is the direction they want to take things.

This approach to me is all wrong. If you are all about sex that is great but leading with your oh no picture may ruin all chances of even getting some sex. I am a person of casual sex and often find my sexual partners online, but! I would never have a casual sex partner that opens a conversation with an oh no picture. Why? You ask, well it is simple they are too self-absorbed for me. I want to be pleased as much as I want to please them, a self-indulgent person is more about themselves than another, and this will carry on into the bedroom. They also assume things about me by approaching me in this manner, if anyone assumes things about me they automatically get my dismissal. The other reason is that they have no self-value, let alone value in the person they wish to bed. Who wants to get down and dirty with someone that has no values in that aspect of their life? I sure don’t; I have no idea where they have been let alone what diseases they may carry. They need to find like-minded people, I am certain they are not hard to find.

I have even found men taken back by women who take this approach, and these men to share my view. It is not a good thing if they are throwing themselves at you, even before a hello. Decent men and dignified women whether they are or not highly sexual people don’t take well to this approach. I recommend starting a conversation and finding out why the other person is on the site in the first place, before letting bits out in public. I don’t mean waste your time by chit chatting for hours; I just mean say “hi! Look I am sorry this is blunt, but I don’t wish to waste our time if you are not like minded as myself. I want to exchange pictures of the nudity kind, and even take to having sex with you.”  Ok, so this approach is harsh to those who are prudish and who are quite shy in that aspect or even not into casual sex, but let's face it you haven’t shared your parts with them where possibly their children or other persons could see. You get a straight out no, respect it and move on.

Remember, those pictures can be kept and put anywhere for public viewing. The internet is a powerful place these days. Let me tell you I made a point often to prove this; I would resend their own pictures back to them and then thanking them for a copy to add to my ever growing book. I won’t be posting them in the media, but I did feel they should see that it is possible. Some have loved the idea, and some just disappear instantly, those that disappear, I don't know if they ever sent them again. Hopefully, they got the picture I was trying to point out.

Hey! If you like taking those pictures and having them viewed by many why don’t you try to find a website that happily accepts and posts those pictures, or approach porn sites, magazines, etc. You can then post it and those wishing to see these sorts of pictures can, this will make it their choice not completely yours.

Take pride in yourself and if you want to find a decent person to be with, no matter what kind of way that is. Partners, sexual partners should match your values to make things work, so if you have a high self-worth and don’t send the oh no pictures to another, you will find a much more respectful and matching relationship in that person. I enjoy getting to know a person just enough before I have sexual contact with them because I find the sex is much better.

Who has received a picture that you thought oh my gosh did they? Did they put that out there? It's odd, it's wrong, are they proud of this? I am sure men view vagina’s that way along with breasts. Now I am not saying that all these things are bad just not always to one person's taste. As the saying goes ‘one person's trash, is another's treasure’ and I am sure this is the case for many when it comes to our personal parts. As I tell my children our private parts are our own to look, touch and feel. As they grow, I will be teaching them that it is ok to share when both are of legal age, and both a willing, with no pressure and complete respect for each other has being given.

How many times have I sat in public or next to my children to open a message up and see a sword/shaft picture? Opening up those pictures in public has happened way too many times, and as a mother is it my worst nightmare, I don’t want my kids to see this as I don’t wish them to think it is ok to do it. I also do not want other people and or their children to see this sort of thing on my phone. It causes embarrassments and awkward moments I rather avoid.

Love yourself and remember to ask the other party to receive these oh no you didn’t picture before sending to avoid embarrassments, keep respect and most importantly hopefully avoid been out on the internet. 

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