Wednesday 6 January 2016

That Moment!

That moment when you realise the condom is no longer where it should be, on his penis. I am not sure how often or even how many times others have experienced this but, this has happened to me on a few occasions  through my sexual life so far. You place a condom on his penis or he does and well during sex or at the end you realise it is no longer still there. You search and search and can’t find the condom, there is only one place left and that is in your vagina. Placing fingers up into your vagina to feel for the lost condom is one of those moments in sex that is awkward, embarrassing and worrying especially after he has cum.

The first time this happened to me I dealt with it with laughter; it was the only way I can deal with it. We searched the room top to bottom like three times I even tried to feel for it inside my vagina. Sheets got ripped off, blankets went flying, we even searched under the bed. The moment came and we looked at each other and he said, “well there is only one place left and it must be there”. I looked at him with laughter and said, “I guess your right”, so I placed my fingers for the second time in my vagina and searched for the condom, I find it. I express this to my partner of the time but I am unable to reach it to pull it out. He gives it a try with no success, he is feeling terrible about the fact we have lost a condom up my vagina. I start to laugh and make jokes about the whole situation, he replies, “why are you laughing?” I replied with “it’s either this or I cry”. The next day I made an appointment with my Dr to have the condom removed. While I awaited the appointment, my best friend and I made jokes about it all day the man involved called and text to check in to see if I have been to my appointment and to see how I am going. Cracking jokes was my coping mechanism and although he didn’t completely understand but was glad I was ok and coping with the situation. The next time he and I had sex well, we both was paranoid and it was a close call. I am not sure why this happened with us but it did.

A couple years later and a new sex partner, it happens again I couldn’t believe it, this time, I stayed calm and went straight to feel inside my vagina. I found the condom and managed to pull it out. He couldn’t believe it happened and I said "well it has been known to happen and it’s not the first time". This time, the experience wasn’t awkward or embarrassing why should it? It’s something I have learnt that can happen for whatever the reason. Maybe it's something to do with the position or the tightness against their thickness I can’t say which or even what it is but I can say it happens and it’s something every girl and guy should be aware of and conscious of.

These are the awkward moments during a sex life that creates memories to remember, not only that but plenty of laughter or tears. I still use condoms and I now stop and check occasionally to make sure the condom is where it is meant to be. I love reflecting on that moment for many reasons not just because it makes me laugh but that moment was with someone special to me. Awkward moments like this I can’t wait to tell my children about when they are older and ready to hear. Remember if it’s happened to you then its most likely has happened to many others who you know. Sex is a beautiful and exciting thing that should be shared experienced and spoken about.

Don’t forget to check out our website to read many of the stories all told to us by our readers. Recently added was the Knock Knock story told from the male’s perspective. Enjoy and appreciate the joys of sex.

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