Wednesday 25 November 2015

Amsterdam Part 2 - Stacy's Story

Amsterdam Part 2
Stacy's Story

We have all heard Fran's version of events of the night spent in Amsterdam. If you haven't yet, best have a read of the nights events from Fran's point of view. You are sure missing out and should check it out

It is time for Stacy's steamy version of the night's events. This is sure put some spice into a holiday the girls won't forget any time soon. One they will look back and remember for a lifetime.

The S Word sure won't disappoint you. If you have a story you would like to see published please head over to our website, Contact us and we will take a look edit and publish anonymously for you.

The next story instalment is one that starts with a knock at the door. Keep your eyes peeled for a surprising story that won't be just a knock at the door but it will knock your socks off.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Addicted to sex!

Following on from my post about talking sex, I reflected on previous conversations I have had over the years with both my male and female friends. I am finding myself to be one of the few in my circle that loves sex so much I could say I have become addicted to it. Conversation directions and others views have made me stop and think about how I feel about sex and what I feel is enough for me. My conclusion is that I have become addicted to sex! While writing this blog I then thought, what is the meaning of sex addiction and am I truly addicted.

Through my research I thought it would be a good thing to see if I was a sex addict given my high sex drive and desire. During this research, I discovered a website that allowed me to take a test to determine if I was a sex addict, well it turns out with no surprise, I do have a sex addiction. Am I concerned regarding these results? Completely not! Am I going to seek any help for it? Completely not! I am happy with who I am and know that my love of sex does not impact poorly on my family, friends and job. However, I do feel it has impacted on my relationships with potential partners and prevents me from forming any kind actual relationship outside a sexual one. 

The more I read, the more I realise sex addiction is like any other addiction and the reasons behind it are varied just as much as the levels of the addiction. I may feel I have a sex addiction you may too, should we be concerned about this? Well, that is dependent on the individual. My addiction to sex makes me crave it even stronger, and if I am unable to obtain sex, I turn to masturbation, both things are perfectly normal and cause no problem. If you are worried that you have a problem with sex addiction and finding that it impacts on your relationships with family, friends, job and if you are taking risks especially of the illegal kind seeking professional help for advice.

The average amount a person has sex is……. I don't think it matters what the average is to be completely honest with you, why should it matter how much sex your friends are having or your co-workers because at the end of the day the amount of sex you have matters only to yourself. For me, I average two times a day given some days are more, and some are less depending on what is going on in my life and the availability and desire of the sexual partners I have. Within relationships, the average should take into account both persons and finding common ground, and a happy medium.This will create a satisfying and long-term relationship. I am satisfied with the amount of sex, although sometimes, I wish it was more given I am a sex addict. Surprisingly there aren't many men who can keep up with me.

If I am not having enough sex or not having gratifying sex then, I become agitated and irritable. My friends notice this, and one particular reminds me that there is no crime in having sex. "So find a willing man and get your sex on". We often laugh and joke about how snappy I get when I am not having sex or even gratifying sex. One day my friend was telling me about a conversation she had with a man trying to obtain sex with her. She explained that she wasn't a woman that seeks random sex with men in which he replied  "everyone needs sex", my friends reply was "no one has died from not having sex". My response to this conversation was "I may be the exception to the rule".

I will put it out there I love sex, and I love talking about sex, not to mention having it and learning as much as I can about the topic. I do not have an issue with my sex addiction. I can say I am sexually satisfied when I have great sex. Am I addicted to great sex? Yes, I am, and I have no shame saying I am because I embrace who I am, and I am embracing my love of sex. My addiction is only satisfied with great sex, and this can be hard to come by, but it sure is something I love to hold onto when I do find it. Embrace who you are and your love of sex, as I said earlier if it becomes a problem, my advice is seek professional help and just be honest to the professionals about your concerns and why.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Talking Sex!

As I sit here today talking to my friend about sex, it occurs to me that many people from around the world are most likely doing exactly the same thing with their friends, colleagues or with anyone that they are comfortable exploring the topic with. 

And Why not? I personly find it easy to talk about sex, and quite frankly anyone could ask me almost anything about sex and the majority of the time I will talk about it quite openly and candidly. The ease of openness I have with this topic is not always as easy for others. I have a friend who is far from at ease talking about sex, in fact, she often can't even say the word sex without going red and breaking into a tiny giggle her discomfort and anxiety evident in her red face and bumbled words. I have noticed she can speak more candidly to me when we are alone but to anyone else she is shy and nervous. I don't think this is a problem at all; it directly relates back to how she was taught to view sex, a topic we have previously referred to as the guilty sex disorder. 

As for me I don't have such problems, Yes, you will find me talking about sex in public, I have no problem with it, tho some of my friends refer to it as my lack of filter. I don't even care who is around me I feel no sense of embarrassment towards the topic at all. I am so unfazed by this subject that once while in a supermarket buying condoms with a guy I was having sex with, I unknowingly announced to the surrounding patrons that he possessed a well above average penis, actually he had the fortuity of being hung like a horse, but that's a whole other blog. He, unfortunately, is much like my friend and found this uncomfortable, evidently was much little less open about the subject matter in public or in general, unless extremely comfortable with the person who he was engaging with about the subject. He was blessed to have an above average size penis and as a result needed above average sized condoms XXL to be precise. I excitedly showed him his options but apparently I was too loud in my enthusiasm, he went bright red and said "there are old people just there" I replied with a smirk, "these look big enough, it's the biggest they have, and hey at least these kind people know we are responsible and protecting ourselves". I winked at him, but I could tell he was infact completely mortified.

In this world where sex is everywhere so many of us are still so shy about the subject, and it is still often a taboo subject. I understand religion and culture have played their part in how sex is perceived, along with how we are raised and our insecurity and views, but that does not mean I understand it. I embrace sex; I love sex I am not embarrassed, sex is natural and beautiful, and I will continue to encourage others to find pride and acceptance in their sexuality.
There is nothing wrong with loving sex, and there is nothing wrong with being modest, we are who we are.

Embrace the level of your comfort on the subject of sex, stick to where you feel comfortable and be proud of who you are, as long as you are enjoying it its all good, because you must be doing it right.