Thursday 11 February 2016

Online Dating

Girls say, boys say!!!

So the world has shrunk and so has the access to a sexual or romantic partner. Well, it has for some of us at least, when it comes to online dating men say the same things continuously. "Women are skanks, women won't talk to me, or women think they are too good for me, women are crazy." From the woman’s perspective they say, "too many men message me, and I can’t keep up, there is no way I have the time to reply to all of them, I would need to hire help”, men either want nothing but sex or are too full on to quick, men are crazy."

Love is one of the basic needs of humanity and has become harder to find due to many choices and not enough loyalty.The desire for love is strong but the reality of it scares many people and when the opportunity arises to have something meaningful and lasting many people scamper. I often find myself attracted to emotionally unavailable people; this creates an invisible veil of protection from actually having to commit to a relationship.

Why has the modern age of connection left us so disconnected? Many people do not understand the hurt and pain that they can potentially inflict on others, often feeling as though they feel as if they are just another username tapping away on a keyboard. A connection is hard to find and when its one sided, and feelings are not expressed clearly by both parties involved confusion and hurt will be the result. Transparency and honesty are the best forms of communication.

Girls if you are getting inundated with messages from men on dating apps make a note and an apology on your profile as to why you might not reply and men if you are not replied to do not take it as a person judgement on your looks or personality.
Most people are all looking for someone that sparks interest and stirs excitement; dating should be exciting and fun. Look for spark, aim for love and remember you are communicating with people, people with needs and emotions. Be honest, be straight up about your thoughts, needs and feelings, but don’t be pushy or overbearing.

Both parties should be showing respect and being open about their intentions. If a person’s intentions do not match yours do not judge them for it simply move on to someone who’s morals and needs are a closer match to yours. It is likely that if you feel someone is not interested in you, they are most likely not. Give them space and time. If there is interest they will make it known, if not they will disappear and you will not have put in time and effort that was wasted on a train headed nowhere.  
Girls and guys be kind, be respectful and treat others how you would expect to be treated yourself.

Remember online or face to face people have feelings, and you have the potential to leave an everlasting scar.

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